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Page last updated:: Wednesday, June 08, 2022

Youth Council Hosts Educational Session Featuring Deputy Chairman

Youth Council Hosts Educational Session Featuring Deputy Chairman Tuesday, June 07,2022

Federal Tax Authority’s Youth Council Hosts Educational Session Featuring Deputy Chairman of Dubai Police Lt. Gen. Dhahi Khalfan Tamim


  • H.E. Lieutenant General Tamim shared his vision for harnessing the great potential of the youth and further engaging them in the national work environment.


Dubai, UAE - June 7, 2022 – The Youth Council at the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) organised an educational session on ‘Enhancing the Role of Youth in the Work Environment’ featuring His Excellency Lieutenant General Dhahi Khalfan Tamim, Deputy Chairman of Police and General Security in Dubai


H.E. Lt. Gen. Tamim shared lessons learned from his extensive life experience and illustrious career, presenting his vision for harnessing the great potential of the youth, honing their skills, encouraging innoVATion among them, and engaging them in efforts to build a more prosperous future for the UAE.


Attended by FTA Director-General H.E. Khalid Ali Al Bustani; H.E. Saeed Al Nazari, Director General of the Federal Youth Authority (FYA), a group of FTA officials, and young staff members from the Authority (who make up more than 80% of FTA employees), the session was moderated by the Director of Tax Compliance & Enforcement at the Federal Tax Authority Sara Al Habshi, and covered four key topics: listening to young people and enhancing their leadership role in the next 50 years; promoting the concepts of commitment and professionalism among youth to better prepare them for assuming their responsibilities; sustainable development for career advancement, and the importance of recognising, rewarding, and motiVATing hardworking and innoVATive people.


Speaking at the session, H.E. Lt. Gen. Dhahi Khalfan Tamim gave a lecture about Human Resources Development, where he said: “For more than half a century, the UAE has provided a unique model for empowering young people to assume their role in building a country capable of facing challenges and driving progress and prosperity across all sectors, guided by the directives of our wise leadership to encourage young people, provide them with opportunities for professional and academic development, help them hone their capacities, and effectively engage them in efforts to advance sustainable development.”


“With that in mind, Emirati youth are poised to play a leading role in shaping a prosperous future for our country as we embark on another stage of our journey towards our centennial and prepare for a new wave of comprehensive development,” H.E. added. “Prioritising our human capital – and the youth, in particular – is an engine of progress and one of the ten principles of the United Arab Emirates for the next 50 years, which will chart the country’s strategic path for the future.”


“The UAE has succeeded in providing a suitable climate to empower young people in various sectors and channel their energy and talents towards enhancing the present and shaping the promising future we all aspire to, where the UAE is firmly positioned as one of the best countries in the world in every field,” Lt. Gen. Tamim added. “We have faith in our youth and their ability to ensure the prosperity of our country. We strive to embrace their creative ideas for the future and provide them with the resources, mentorship, and empowerment they need to unlock their potential. We sought to make young people’s voices heard and equip them with the skills and knowledge they need to seize the opportunities presented to them, in addition to enabling them to participate effectively in decision-making.”


“Speaking from experience, we understand that officials must give them more opportunities and not marginalise their role in order to fully benefit from the youth’s energy and potential. We advise them to motiVATe and mentor young leaders while creating an atmosphere of trust among generations – a trust that is built on solid foundations. Mistakes will be made in the beginning, but that must be accepted and corrected, as long as they did not stem from negligence or dishonesty,” H.E. continued.


“As for young people, I call on you to accept advice when it is given, be open to differing opinions, be rational, and know that people disagreeing with you in opinion does not mean they hate you. They simply have a different perspective on the matter at hand; acknowledge their point of view even if you disagree,” H.E. added. “If you disagree with your superiors, still oblige their requests and avoid being an obstacle to the success of any idea. After all, you may be wrong, and your manager may be right. Appreciate the feedback and consider the opinion and perspective of whoever is offering it. Listen, and if you are convinced, take their advice. Keep in mind that certain things are beyond human control and always support co-workers facing difficult situations. Appreciate those who have served for a long time in your department, as well as any end-of-service demands of a social or human nature they may have.”


FTA Director-General H.E. Khalid Ali Al Bustani reaffirmed the importance of the educational session on ‘Enhancing the Role of Youth in the Work Environment’, which provided an opportunity for the youth of the Federal Tax Authority to explore the extensive experience of H.E. Lt. Gen. Dhahi Khalfan Tamim and benefit from his inspiring life experiences, career path, and achievements, to advance their professional capabilities.


His Excellency noted the great response that the session witnessed and the smooth and effective presentation of the lecture, which had a significant impact in making the information more accessible to the participants, thus achieving the target objectives.


“The educational session is part of the Federal Tax Authority Youth Council’s education and awareness plan, which aims to support and empower young people to hone their expertise, develop their skills, benefit from inspiring leaders who have extensive experience, and achieve success in their national efforts,” H.E. Al Bustani explained. “H.E. Lt. Gen. Dhahi Khalfan Tamim is a highly prominent example of an accomplished leader the youth can be inspired by; H.E. is a pioneer with extensive experience that firmly positions him as a role model in wisdom, professional competence, and unwavering support for the country.”


“Introducing young people to these unique models contributes to accelerating their access to career maturity,” H.E. added. “It helps shape their ideas and vision, enriches their initiatives to improve work mechanisms, creates an innoVATion platform for the youth, and connects them with senior management to use their proposals in formulating the FTA’s future strategies, ultimately preparing a new generation of future leaders.”


For his part, H.E. Saeed Al Nazari, Director General of the Federal Youth Authority, said: “What our young national talents are accomplishing today outlines what the future will look like tomorrow. The youth are the future of any nation lies first and foremost in the hands of its youth; the more you empower young people and equip them with skills, know-how, and leadership traits, the more they will be able to fulfil the UAE’s strategic objectives and implement them on the ground. This is what our wise leadership has always been working towards, with an integrated package of policies and strategies designed to empower the youth and enable them to assume their responsibilities across the entire occupational and production hierarchy.”


“The Federal Youth Authority is working on hundreds of programmes, activities, and events to develop young people’s potential in various fields, from vocational and professional training to advanced technologies, arts, and much more,” H.E. Al Nazari. “It is an integral part of our national agenda and strategy for the youth, which aims to establish our approach as an example to be emulated, promoting Emirati youth as role models in terms of serving the community and contributing to the development of their country. We strive to create an empowered, knowledgeable, and professional generation who have the necessary skillsets for the labour market of the future, and who will play a major part in our efforts to reach new heights and ensure the prosperity of our country.”


The Authority went on to note that the FTA Youth Council routinely adopts new initiatives in an effort to achieve its goals, most prominent of which are empowering the youth, allowing them to express their opinions, and enhancing their participation in the continuous development of the FTA’s systems. This helps sharpen their leadership skills and allows for their energies and creativity to be channelled towards advancing the UAE’s standing on the world stage.


The FTA Youth Council seeks to achieve these objectives by providing a platform for the youth to be represented, engaging young people in the Federal Tax Authority’s operations, procedures, and decisions involving them in activities and events, and representing the Authority in official events and conferences. 


The Council helps build effective channels of communication between the FTA and its younger members, establishing a more responsive and flexible environment by organising periodic meetings to listen to young employees’ ideas, develop their skills, and allow them to contribute to major decisions with the potential to improve various areas of the FTA’s work.
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