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Open Data Policy


This policy aims to establish foundations and rules to regulate Open Data Management on the FTA official website, taking into account the general policies of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) and the Digital Government in the area of information security, as well as the decisions of the FTA Board of Directors regarding data confidentiality, and the disclaimers, terms and conditions, and privacy policy published on the FTA official website.

Scope and Scale

The scope of application of the policy is limited to the contents of the FTA website, where the FTA seeks to share data with the public either freely or under minimal restrictions with the purpose of enabling the public to benefit from the data made available by the FTA to promote a sustainable innoVATion environment..

FTA’s Obligations to the Public

  • Published data should cover FTA services and activities or information deemed to be of public interest and of value to the website’s visitors.
  • The FTA must provide data sets over the years.
  • Data sets should be published in as raw form as possible, taking into consideration privacy, confidentiality, or any given restrictions.
  • Site visitors are provided unimpeded access to data.
  • The FTA must provide real-time open data and in a structured format suitable for technical use.
  • Data is published in adjustable file formats, suited for copy/paste actions, in addition to files being downloadable.
  • FTA site visitors should be able to express their opinions on the published data.
  • FTA site users should be able to know the file type, size, and download time beforehand.
  • When files need specific software to run, users should be alerted and the necessary software made available if possible.
  • Making available all possible platforms for interacting with data users, setting up links to virtual platforms, such as blogs, Facebook pages and so forth, where such data is discussed.
  • The FTA does not guarantee the continued provision of data or part thereof, nor does it incur any liability to data users for any damage or loss that may result from data reutilization.

Obligations of Open Data on the FTA Official Website


  • Open Data users assume full responsibility for reusing the data available on the FTA website.
  • Data users are required to credit the FTA as the source of the data, specifying the file’s name and publication date.
  • This data shall not be used for the below purposes:
    • political purposes.
    • support of illegal or criminal activities.
    • racist or discriminatory comments.
    • damaging culture or equality.
    • provocation.
    • irregular activity or activities contrary to the values of Emirati society.



Open Data Policy: Terms for Reutilization of Data


  • Open data is usable, reusable, and re-publishable by any individual, legal Person, or government entity.
  • Data users must not distort provided data or its source nor must they mislead others.
  • FTA is not, under any circumstances, accountable for any direct or indirect harm, accidental or affiliated, priVATe or exceptional, that may result from the use or inability to use open data, including but not limited to loss of income, reputation, work, or data or failure of equipment or other damages.
  • Open Data users surfing the FTA website acknowledge the responsibility of Open Data usage. The FTA is not, by any means, responsible for updating Open Data in the future, especially when it is based on current assumptions and predictions that may lead to certain risks and raise some doubts about mismatching results by comparing tangible outcomes with outlooks and estimations.
  • The FTA shall not be held legally accountable for any harm done to any user or person as a result of the breach of confidentiality of information that the user has conveyed from its Open Data section and shall not provide compensation for it.
  • E-copies of the FTA documents listed under the Open Data section are published solely for media purposes. The final copies of any document are the ones in the FTA’s possession. If the documents are in any case inconsistent, the copy retained by FTA is favored over any other copies.
  • The FTA disclaims liability for all implicit guarantees and conditions with regards to information published on the Open Data page.



Amendment and Audit of Open Data Policy

The policy shall be audited annually and the FTA shall reserve all rights to review and modify its contents without notice and as necessary and shall not require public recourse. The contents of the published copy shall be considered in force beginning from the date of policy adoption.

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