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Tax Group Records Amendment
Page last updated:: Friday, May 24, 2024
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  • Type


  • Service Category

    From Government to Business, From Government to Government

  • Service Channels

  • Obligation to Sign-up

    Applicable - Through the account previously created to register for Tax with the FTA.

  • Categories of Customers

    All businesses registered as a tax group with the FTA.

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Tax Group Records Amendment
  • Service Description
    Through this service, the FTA amends the registration of a tax group 
  • Channels and working hours
    •EmaraTax platform:
    24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Service Fees Details
  • Estimated Time to Submit Application
    45 Minutes.
  • Estimated Time to Complete Application by the FTA
    20 business days from the date the completed application was received
  • Required Documents and Forms
    Required documents:
    It will be necessary for you to prepare the following information in an appropriate format and include it in your online application:
    In case of adding a new member to the Tax Group:
    Valid Trade License / Business License for each of the members.
    Passport / Emirates ID of the authorized signatory.
    Proof of authorization for the authorized signatory.
    Monthly turnover declaration for the specified periods that is signed and stamped by the authorized signatory on the entity’s printed letterhead, and supporting financial documents such as: invoices, purchase orders, title deeds, and lease agreements.
    Group structure showing the representative member and the group members (stamped and signed by the authorized signatory).
    Stamped and signed no objection letters from each of the members to authorize the representative member to represent the group.
    A copy of the legislation that establishes the entity in case the registration request was in relation to a federal / local government entity. Depending on the basis on which you are registering, other relevant documents may include: 
    For taxable supplies (applicable for all legal types except Federal and Emirate Government)
    - Audit report audited or non-audited financial statement.
    - Self-prepared calculation sheet which may include details to calculate the taxable/zero-rated supplies based on financial records 
    - Revenue forecast with evidence (e.g., Local Purchase Order or Contract) 
    - Monthly turnover declaration for the specified periods that is signed and stamped by the authorized signatory on the entity’s printed letterhead 
    - Supporting financial documents (e.g., invoices/LPOs/contracts/title deed/tenancy contracts) 
    For taxable expenses (applicable for all legal types except Federal and Emirate Government)
    - Audit report, audited or non-audited financial statement 
    - Expense budget report 
    Articles of Association/Partnership Agreement (if applicable)
    Certificate of Incorporation (if applicable for Legal Person)
    Documents which show ownership information of the business 
    Customs details (if applicable)
    Club, charity, or association registration documents and supporting evidence (applicable if you selected “Legal person – Club, Charity or Association”) 
    A copy of the Decree (applicable if you selected “Legal person – Federal UAE Government Entity” or “Legal person – Emirate UAE Government Entity”)
    Other relevant documents such as documents providing information about your organization, including its activities and size (applicable if you selected “Legal person – Other”) 
    A scanned copy of the Emirates ID and passport of the manager, owner and senior management
    A scanned copy of the land/property title deed (applicable if you selected “Legal Person – Incorporate/Legal Person – Club or Association/Legal Person – Charity/Legal Person – Federal UAE Government Entity/Legal person – Emirate UAE Government Entity”)
    In case of removing an existing member from the Tax Group:
    Proof of no longer being eligible to remain register as Tax Group
    Group structure of the business
    Financial Audit Report

    (Accepted file types are PDF, Excel, Docs, JPG, PNG, and JPEG. The individual file size limit is 5 MB)
    Required forms:
    Below are the templates that you may need to complete and upload as part of your application (for declaring your turnover required for the addition of the prospective member who is not yet registered for VAT to the Tax Group):
    Taxable supplies – Turnover declaration template
    Taxable expenses – Turnover declaration template
    Turnover declaration letter form
  • Procedures and Steps
    1. Access the EmaraTax account dashboard
    2. Click on “View” to access the Taxable Person Account
    3. Click on “Actions” under “Tax Group” and then click “Amend”
    4. Complete Amendment process
  • FAQs
    1. Can a member be added to or removed from a Tax Group?

    Yes, members can be added to or removed from a Tax Group through this service

    2. Is it possible to add sole establishments or branches to a tax group?

    No, it’s not possible to add sole establishments or branches to a tax group
  • Terms & Conditions

    1. Only the representative member of a registered tax group can apply to amend the tax group
    2. Amending a tax group can only be done after that tax group’s registration application has been approved by the FTA 


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Page last updated: : Friday, May 24,2024
Number of hits : 13706 hits