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Hackathon Event
Hackathon " Tax Challenges Solutions"
The tax sector, like other vital sectors, may be exposed to challenges and requires the implementation of efficient processes to keep pace with local, regional and global developments. The “Hackathon: Tax Challenges Solutions”, was launched as part of the framework of the Federal Tax Authority's participation in the "UAE InnoVATes 2024" initiative, to benefit from creative ideas to support the nation’s continuous modernization plans.


Learn About the Hackathon:
The Hackathon is one of the most important competitive and interactive events organized by the FTA, as part of its efforts to encourage innoVATion in the tax sector and enhance its communication with the creative and innoVATive community. It aims to maximize the benefit of their ideas and suggestions to support the continuous improvement of the Authority's services to customers and its operational systems.


The Hackathon provides an exceptional opportunity to enhance  cooperation and partnership between the FTA and the IT community, allowing developers, programmers and designers to form collaborative teams to develop innoVATive ideas and pioneer technical solutions that contribute to simplifying tax procedures. 
This improves efficiency of the country’s tax system delivering added value and features to the services provided by FTA, thereby enhancing customer experience.


Key Objectives:

● Developing innoVATive technical solutions for the challenges facing the tax sector.
● Creating an effective framework to encourage innoVATion and cooperation in the tax sector across all segments of society in the public and priVATe sectors, including entrepreneurs, university and school students, and IT professionals.
● Supporting the FTA's digital transformation strategy through the use of advanced technology.
● Take advantage of the Hackathon platform to explore and employ advanced technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, and blockchain in the tax sector.


Prizes and Rewards: 

Participants with pioneering innoVATions and solutions will receive recognition and potential opportunities to collaborate with FTA, and the top three winners will receive cash prizes depending on each winner's ranking, including:

Gold: AED 10,000.

Silver: AED 6,000. 

Bronze: AED 4,000.


Tracks Available for Participation:

The Tax Challenges Solutions Hackathon has two tracks; choose the one that suits you and give it your full focus to compete effectively:


First: Raising tax awareness in the community:

 The challenge lies in employing emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality to enhance the knowledge and awareness of tax legislation among the community and taxpayers in the UAE. 


Second: Combating tax evasion:

The challenge requires the use of advanced technology and techniques (artificial intelligence) in analyzing patterns and behaviors to identify patterns of tax evasion and deploy precise preventive measures. Additionally, there is a challenge in using advanced technological applications to monitor and analyze tax data effectively to detect tax evasion.

Third: Facilitating procedures and submitting tax returns for SMEs:

The challenge focuses on using technology and advanced techniques to simplify tax procedures, thereby contributing to enhancing the self-tax compliance by small and medium-sized businesses through innoVATive technical solutions.



 February 9-23, 2024: 

Collating and accepting ideas and innoVATions from Hackathon competitors.

February 29, 2024 (08:00 am to 04:00 pm): 

 showcasing the ideas and innoVATions of participants in the Hackathon.    

An event to be held at the Emirates Towers Youth Hub (Dubai) dedicated



Who is Eligible to Participate in the Hackathon:
Participation is open to all UAE nationals and residents, including:
Programmers, developers, designers, students, academics, founders, marketers and entrepreneurs. Those who are good at critical thinking and have out-of-the-box ideas. Teams of 2-6 people, aged between 18-65 years old.


Meet the mentors:

In collaboration with the Authority's strategic partner, SAP Software & Solutions, Hackathon participants will have the opportunity to work with the world's top experts in tax and technology sectors. This provides a unique opportunity to share your ideas with the world, as well as participate in developing innoVATive solutions for tax challenges.


Criteria for Evaluating Ideas at the Hackathon:  

  • Creativity and innoVATion: This aspect of evaluation covers the creativity of the solution itself and the use of open data.
  • Quality and usability of the solution (UI & UX):  Creating an innoVATive solution, designing it with high quality, and presenting a prototype for its functionality.
  • Use and quality of technology: Greater attention will be given to the design and maturity of the solution.
  • Impact and benefits: This aspect is based on having a viable and feasible plan to continue working on the idea and grow and expand it.
  • Presentation of the proposed solution for one of the three challenges: Utilizing advanced technology and explaining it in detail.



We invite you to contribute to shaping the future of innoVATion by sharing your valuable ideas and suggestions to address the challenges posed in the hackathon.


Please submit your proposals in PDF or PPT format, sent to our email address provided below:



We look forward eagerly to seeing your creations that will make a real difference.

 Join us in shaping the future of tax services. Register now to attend the hackathon event on February 29th at the Youth Center/Emirates Towers - Dubai, and be part of the innoVATion journey...

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Page last updated: : Feb 14, 2024
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